Monday, April 18, 2011

The Plus/Delta Evaluation

Things That Worked Well
·       Everyone participated
·       Lively discussions
·       Interesting topics
·       We were respectful of allowing everyone to speak
·       Dissenting ideas were heard
·       The refreshments were excellent
·       The size of the room was good
·       We agreed to continue the dialogue

Things to Improve Upon

·       Cut out the side discussions
·       Start the session on time as planned
·       Incorporate more visuals
·       Provide more time to understand dissenting ideas
·       Cool down the room temperature
·       Find a site that’s closer to everyone
·       Accommodate vegetarians
·       Lengthen break periods to 15 minutes

·       First identify the things that worked well.
·       These should be things for which there is a consensus and that the participants want to maintain and even build upon.
·       You may have dissenting viewpoints such as some might say the food was lousy which then should be included in the Delta section.

·       These are things that need to be improved or changed so that the participants can be more effective.
·       State them with action verbs so that follow-up is required to correct them.
·       Deltas must be specific where there is no misunderstanding of what needs to be corrected.
·       Deltas need to be realistic
·         must be reviewed and acted upon asap

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